Data Science is one of the hottest areas in technology, and so is the demand for data scientists worldwide. A new online Microsoft Certification program called the Microsoft Professional Degree Program has also been announced.

What is Data Science, and how do you become a Data Scientist?

Most of us think Data Science is simply statistics. If you are good at statistics, you will be able to represent the numbers in any way you want: charts, infographics, etc. Will you identify the different data needs for the business in other areas? Can you ‘foresee’ data? Will you be able to fill in data pieces that are required but are not yet available? These questions don’t belong to statistics alone. What is Data Science? Let’s check it out by listing each step to improve the overall image. It is difficult to explain it in one sentence, but I will try. Data science lets you identify data for different purposes, identify business needs for information, and process the data using tools at hand to provide inputs necessary for a business to thrive. Thus, Data Science is a bit of everything. It includes statistical skills and a few managerial skills, some language processing, researching skills, a bit of machine learning knowledge, and a complete idea of what tools are required to produce desired results. Data Science contains all of the following, irrespective of what all is used at a business: The above list is not comprehensive but highlights the main points of data science. As the first point suggests, data scientists need to convince businesses that all the data is useful and should be stored for a long time. Maybe put on those useful old databases on some shared cloud for 10-15 years so that they can look at it and produce more effective databases? Any need may arise as the business surroundings keep changing. Laws of land change, business processes vary, and data needs to be adapted. Thus, the more information you have at hand, the more effective you’ll be.

Traits of & Requirements to become a Data Scientist

In the third paragraph above, I tried to describe data science as an amalgamation of marketing, managerial, statistical, Machine Learning science. Statistical skills won’t be enough. You’ll need more than that.

First of all, you’ll need Math skills. They’d be Calculus and Algebra in addition to simple arithmetic. Learn a metric system for calculations as they’d be precise. You must be good at permutations and combinations. A certificate course in Math may cover all these. There are online courses too, at Coursera. It will help if you have experience or knowledge of team management. Likewise, certificates and diplomas in business management will give you an edge. You’ll need to learn at least one data handling language. Python and R are always in demand from the adverts I have seen. R is a part of Hadoop, so if you have a certificate in Hadoop, your chances of being hired increase. The requirements to become a data scientist will keep changing as more and more things add to Data Science. For example, a bit of Machine Learning experience will go a long way in getting an excellent job because everyone is focusing on AI. The job descriptions of Data Scientists vary from business to business. At a place, they need analytics, while at some other place, they’ll want data scientists working on artificial intelligence. Check out the list I wrote to explain Data Science. The more points you can cover, the better it will be for you. If you still have questions like data science or the requirements to become a Data Scientist, please leave comments. I’ll try to get answers for you.

Is data science a promising career?

Data Analysis will always be in demand, and if you are good at analysis, then yes, it can be a suitable carrier. Data analysis help business predict how things could change if there is going to help the company grow. However, the best way to choose is to speak with someone already in this field and get an idea.