TrID is a free-to-use application designed to identify unknown file types from their binary signatures. TrID is a one-of-its-kind application that has flexible rules. It is extensible, and you can actually ‘train’ it to recognize new formats in an automatic and fast manner. TrIDNet is the GUI (Graphical User Interface) version of TrID. It is pretty easy to use TrIDNet. If you are not familiar with the command line prompt, then you will find it more practical to use the GUI rather than the CLI version.

Identify unknown file type in Windows

TrIDNet is simple to use. You can select the file that needs to analyze from the ‘Browse’ tab. Once selected, you can have a  series of information about every match listed. This information consists of the definition’s file name, its author and e-mail address (if provided), a clickable link to a reference URL, and remarks. When using TrIDNet, you can specify the file to identify it as a parameter. Thus, TrIDNet can be easily integrated with various file managers and also with Explorer itself. TrIDNet can be used in many ways. With the help of this tool, you can identify unknown file types that were sent to you via e-mail and also support in file recovery. The application uses an expandable database of definitions that describe recurring patterns for supported file types. Because the database is an expandable one, it will never be out of date. As new file types become available you can run the scan module against them and help keep the program up to date.

Identify unknown file type online

There is also an online version of TrIDNet File Identifier available. If you require to identify a file type, maybe, one time, you could visit the website here.

This version too can determine a file type from its binary signatures. You simply need to select the file to analyze from the ‘Browse’ window and the identification results will be displayed within no time.  TrIDNet version can be used for heavier files and when offline, while the online version can be used for smaller files and when online. TrID, TrIDNet as well as its online variant is easy to use. Every time you need to analyze the file, you simply need to run TrID and select the file to be analyzed. The file will be read and compared with the definitions in the database. You get the results in the order of highest probability.

TrIDNet download

You can download TrIDNet software from this link.

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