Best Homeschooling websites that are free to use

Parents, who are not sure how to go about homeschooling their little monsters, well, how about looking to the web for aid? There are a lot of options to choose from, so make things easier for you, we have decided to list the five best online homeschooling services. The services we’ll be talking about today are free to use at the time of writing. Additionally, they all come with a ton of information for the wellbeing of your kids.

1] GoNoodle

Homeschooling your child needs to be a well-rounded thing, which is why we want to recommend the website, GoNoodle provides one of the most important aspects of learning for children. What is that exactly? Well, it’s all about Physical Exercises (PE). Schooling from home in the eyes of many does not include PE, but we are here to say that it is not the truth at all. Now, the reason why parents should take a look at GoNoodle, is all due to the fact that it provides different activities every week. Because children are the focus here, the physical activities are not boring with the addition of different types of exercises. We understand that an NFL player is part of this thing, and he teaches agility and coordination training, to name a few. Visit the official website.

2] Techie Home School Mom

Children should learn about technology at an early age, so what is the best website to get them the knowledge they need. We want to recommend Techie Home School Mom, a blog created by a woman known as Beth. She managed to put together all of the best online technology homeschooling courses to make them more accessible, and so far, she has done a wonderful job. Additionally, the user will find a description of all courses before deciding which is best. We can say for certain that the blog is home to a ton of information, therefore, even if you’re not a child, there is quite a lot to learn here. Visit the official website.

3] [email protected]

Here’s the thing, the folks behind TED Talks decided to create a new program designed to promote learning for students without ever having to go to school. From what we’ve come to understand thus far, the [email protected] initiative is all about delivering daily newsletters to subscribers with free classes, challenges, and other activities to keep students on their toes. The lessons are good for students attending elementary, middle school, high school, and university. Visit the official website.

4] Scholastic

Not everyone might have known this, but Scholastic is an educational giant, and guess what? The company has released several courses from its large library to create four-week long educational courses. Now, users are required to sign up to take advantage of what Scholastic has to offer, but that shouldn’t be much of a problem. Bear in mind, you must sign up as either a teacher, parent, or student. From there, the service is free to use forever. Visit the official website at

5] Roald Dahl: Things to do Indoors

Books from Roald Dahl are quite popular, especially among children. These days the official webpage has a section called Things to do Indoors, and it is home to several resources designed to entertain and educate children. Because it includes educational and fun activities, we can be certain that your child or children will have a fun time learning from home during these uncertain times. Furthermore, we love the fact that the Roald Dahl website is inclusive enough to please most. Visit the official website. Read Next: Best free Math game apps for kids on Windows 10 PC.