What is the Session messaging app

Session App offers a public-key-based secure messaging application that uses decentralized storage servers. It uses the Onion protocol, where servers have access to the keys specific for encryption/decryption to that server, and the clients have access to the key, which can be used to decrypt the message.

How does Session protect the user’s identity?

Since the app doesn’t ask for a phone number or email ID, your display name can be anything. It also doesn’t collect any metadata, including location, device, or network.  On top of that, it uses the Onion protocol, which makes sure everything else is protected.

How are messages secured on phone and desktop?

The session offers PIN code-based protection, without which nobody can access the chat or conversation. On top of this, there is no central server used, so the data is not stored anywhere. However, it does offer a passphrase or recovery phrase in case you need to restore to a new device. Read: WhatsApp alternative free messaging apps.

Session App Features & Drawbacks

Maintains Sender and receiver anonymity along with End to End encryptionOffers closed group and open group but are limited to 20 people.Multiple device support availableNo metadata is sent like device ID, IP address, device type, and so on.Since there is no way to discover contact by email or phone number, you will need to share the Session id to start a conversation.Send files, images, and other attachments up to 10MB in person-to-person conversations and group chats.Video and voice chat are missing.Backup works exactly as seen on Signal App. It is passphrase protected, which is needed to recover.

When you first install the session app on any platform, it will generate a session id. This session is your chat id, which you can share with others. Anyone who would want to chat with you can send an invite to chat, and only if you accept it, the conversation can begin. While the Session app is powerful and offers anonymity, it is still not feature-rich when it comes to end consumers. It is only set for those who can manage complexity and only want to use it for secure messaging. Learn more about Session on the official page. It is available for Android, iPhone, and PC. Read next: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs Signal vs Messenger.